Pete Maravich Assembly Center

Pete Maravich Assembly Center

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Being Thankful

Hope that you are doing well. Please be thankful at this great time of the year.

(remember at the beginning of this fall we were paying two dollars more per gallon for gas than we are now)

Last night driving home to my parent's in Chattanooga I was able to listen to Larry King on CNN (twice!) That was the advantage of having a long drive and having satelitte radio in the car. I usually like watching Larry King and used to love his late night radio show. His guest's last night were Joel and Victoria Osteen. Whether or not you like Larry King or the Osteen's is not the issue. The issue is the points that were brought up on the show.

Here are a couple of Joel Osteen's quotes from the interview:

"Don't use your energy to worry, use your energy to believe."

"You know, I've found that your life follows your thoughts. If you think more about that, if you think about those things, you just draw it in."Being a coach we can sometimes struggle with being too negative and pessimistic. For me it is trying to change to be more positive. The line above "that your life follows your thoughts" is definately true for me.

It goes along with the line that a lot of us have heard "what you think about you bring about." I heard somewhere that 95% of what we worry about never happens anyway.

A couple of years ago a mentor of mine challenged me to be thankful for everything that came my way. Lost a game, be thankful. Problem at home or with a player, be thankful. Great day, be thankful. Good win, be thankful.

No matter the situation, be thankful.

For me it has been a paradigm shift. Changing my thinking to one of worry and pessimism to one of thankfulness and gratitude for whatever God has for me. I enjoy the change in thinking and still struggle each day in trying to stay upbeat and positive, but it does beat the alternative of worry and being negative.

Make this a great holiday for you and your family by finding the good and finding the positive. It's there sometime you just have to search, but you will find enough to be thankful for in your life.