Where you have been?
Where are you now?
Where you are going?
I was able to be the Head Men’s Basketball Coach and Athletic Director at Faulkner University from 1989 to 1994. We had some success and were able to take the program to their first trip to the NAIA National Tournament in 1992.
One of the best things we did while we were there was to have weekly devotionals with our team. I was a young coach and a young Christian. I really wanted to have our team be exposed to how great Christianity can be and how much fun you can have as a believer.
Our Bible faculty at Faulkner consisted of great men who were very wise. I did have a fear that some of them might not be able to relate to our young black basketball players.
I would bring in outside speakers with the only admonition was that they make Christianity sound exciting and not a set of rules. Most of the speakers we had were great, but what was fun was to have our players share a devotional thought with the team.
One time I had a young man on our team share named, Brad Harris, from Atlanta. Brad had a big heart and he and I butted heads a few times because of my immaturity.
I still liked Brad a lot and felt I could help him and relate. He came from a broken home and he really wanted to make something of himself. His mom did a great job with him, but he was one of those kids that really needed a dad.
I never have forgotten what Brad said that day. He said three things we should always remember.
1. Where you have been: teaches you about life and the experiences you have had
2. Where you are now: Enjoy the moment because it does not last too long.
3. Where you are going: What are your goals and how do you plan to get there.
For some of us it is painful to look back to your childhood or younger years or for that matter anything in your past. For some it is regret. For some it is nothing, but happy memories. Whatever the case I think we need to have knowledge of where we have been, where we are now and maybe most importantly where is your life headed now?
I appreciate what Brad had to say that day and it has stuck with me for a long time. I usually use his points each year in our basketball camps.
Pete Maravich Assembly Center

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