This is from James Malinchak on one of his recent emails. Mr. Malinchak does a great job of explaining Jordan's discipline and ability to prepare.
Picture this...its Game 7 of the NBA Finals and your team is playing on the road at your opponents place. There's 00:01 second left on the clock and your team is losing by 1 point. You're at the free-throw line to shoot two shots - this is literally win or lose time and the ball is in your hands. If you make both free-throws, your team wins their first ever championship. If you miss both, your team loses the championship.
How would you feel?
Would you be nervous? Would you be distracted by all of the opposing fans screaming, stomping and waving their hands trying to rattle you and break your concentration? How do you handle an uncomfortable situation like this?
That's the exact situation I posed to basketball legend Michael Jordan when I spent 4-days with him. Me, Michael and about eight others were sitting around talking and I asked him that exact question after describing the above scenario: "Michael, how do you handle an uncomfortable situation like this, whether it's in basketball, business or life?" After asking it, you could literally hear a pin drop as we waited for MJ's answer. I thought he would say something like he would try and focus on saying positive affirmations, thinking positive thoughts, etc.
However, Michael replied by saying, "That's easy! That situation wouldn't bother me because I would have already disciplined myself to make sure I had already prepared for success in that, or any other situation!"
Not the answer I was expecting but it's very profound when you think about those two words that most would simply skim over: (1) Disciplined; and (2) Prepared.
Most people are not DISCIPLINED to PREPARE themselves for success! It was stated best by Sun Tsu in The Art of War: "Every battle is won before it is fought!" Every speaking, writing, training and coaching business-battle should be won BEFORE you encounter it.
Two key words: DISCIPLINE and PREPARE! I've found those two words are what separate the successful person from the mediocre person.
Pete Maravich Assembly Center

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