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Character trumps intelligence
Presley Edwards, the top man at A.G. Edwards thirty years ago, said, "In order to succeed in business you need two things - fifty times more start-up money that you think you'll need and the smartest people you can possibly hire."
Presley's son Ben, the recently retired A.G. Edwards' CEO, mused, "I still agree with my dad's first point, but I'd have to adjust the second one. These days we can hire all the smart young people we want. We have to look a whole lot harder for character. The temptations are so much bigger and the moral ability to handle them seems so much more limited."Character trumps intelligence. So how do you develop character in your children? Exhibit character yourself. Life lessons are caught rather than taught. Be honest. Keep your word. Look out for the welfare of others. And point out role models for your children to emulate.
Pete Maravich Assembly Center

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