Happy New Year !! I hope 2010 is getting off to a great start for you and your family. I have a very serious appeal to make to you today. I have been involved with a ministry, Global Effect Ministry, for nearly two years now. We have many projects going on in the Dominican Republic reaching out the severely impoverished. It's an incredible work and God has really blessed. One of mission projects involves distributing water filters in areas that have no clean water. Since the earthquake in Haiti, our focus and resources have shifted temporarily to helping the families affected by this terrible tragedy. We really need your help!! Global Effect Ministry has a partnership with Filter Pure, a non-profit organization in the DR who makes portable water filters. We have them working to produce as many filters as possible for us to distribute to Haiti. In the aftermath of this earthquake, one of the major killers is going to be disease caused by drinking contaminated water. Every $30 donation will purchase a water filter unit that will provide a family with totally safe clean drinking water. Water from any source(river, stream, rainfall etc) can be turned into clean water using these filters. Rotary International is assisting us with this undertaking. They are helping with lodging, border crossing, transportation and filter distribution. Every filter that is distributed to these Haitian families will help save lives!! Please think for a moment about how blessed we are and the desperation and death facing these people are dealing with. Please click on our website below for more information if you can help: http://www.globaleffectministry.org/ The site is totally safe, secure and virus free. You can help by forwarding this to as many of your friends as possible by email, facebook or whatever means possible. Please help us get the word out!!. If you church is looking for a way to assist the victims, this could be a very good one. Please pray for the people in Haiti, God Bless You, Bart Smelley |
Pete Maravich Assembly Center

Friday, January 15, 2010
How to help the people in Dominican Republic with safe drinking water
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