Pete Maravich Assembly Center

Pete Maravich Assembly Center

Thursday, September 27, 2012

3 ways to have better practices

1. Make it a priority. Grading papers, scouting reports, recruiting-whatever. Your practice
has to be a priority. Plan well and have energy. You get your kids for a short amount of time-make the most of it for the sake of your team. Coaches must provide energy and show players the meaning of practicing with an all out effort.

2. Individual attention/Individual skill work as well as defensive breakdown drills have to be the best part of your practice. Meaning your players must give their best effort in this part of practice. If they go hard in those drills they will go hard in the other drills and scrimmage. If they don't go hard in skill drills and defensive breakdown drills they won't go hard in other drills.

3. Make the most of every minute. Err on the side of having your practice shorter rather than keep the team longer than necessary. You have a long season. Teach what you know.

Hubie Brown believed in going no longer than an hour and half for practice.

Try these ideas this year.