A couple
of years ago a friend of mine help change the way I thought about my job. He
was an assistant coach and was interviewing for a head coaching job. He stated if he got this job he was going to
treat it as if it was the best job in the country.
I recall
the conversation and how he changed my way of thinking. To treat your job,
family, living situation, etc. as top notch it helps reorient your thinking of
how we approach everyday life.
obsessive and can allow my mind to sidetrack.
I tend to think as well as focus on things that are not of importance.
If I change that thinking and move it toward a positive twist it helps me
are some simple steps to help get your thinking in the right direction.
Understand your talents and limitations. Be thankful that you are in a place
that utilizes your talents and hides your weaknesses. If is not occurring, then
change things fast. Find a way to maximize your gifts and abilities.
You may
have to remind yourself how your talents correspond with your occupation. You
may have to remind yourself that you are not in a job that is boring and in a
work environment that is uncomfortable.
2. Treat
your life as if it matters to others. "What you think about, you bring
about." You have the ability to inspire others and make a difference in
someone's life each day. Whether you choose to make that impact, is your
decision; not the decision of someone else.
3. Look
across the street, on the other side of the fence, or in the house next door.
Some people do not like to think this way, but I believe that each us has it
better than someone else. Daily we see people hurting. This occurs either in everyday
interactions or reading the newspaper, watching tv or on the internet.
Will you
choose to treat your job as the best in the country? Your life as the best?
As a
father of 5 kids, my life is on the go and moving in a lot of different
directions. My wife and kids can't afford for me to be down. They need to be
there for them. I have wallowed in pity for different segments of my life. I
have also treated days as if they were going to be great. The latter is much
more enjoyable.
How one
treats their job is vital to happiness. In the coaching profession, each coach
has items to complain about on a daily basis. There is also the ability to look
past the shortcomings and see the positive.
the book on Coach Bob Hurley, Sr. ("The Miracle of St. Anthony" by Adrian
Wojnarowski) I realized he built a national power at the high school level
without the use of his own gym. It made an impression so I decided not to
complain and work with what I did have without worrying about what I didn't
it was the gym roof leaking, the gym roof falling in, lack the financial
resources or any other problems I have encountered in my coaching career I have
tried to my best not to let those situations bring me down. It made me realize
the people I was around were there for a reason. I was determined to make the
most of my chance with players and people. Sure, I sometimes fail miserably, but
I am aware and keep trying. Over the course of time, I have found positive
beats negative any day.
“Our deepest fear is not that we
are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is
our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I
to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to
be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There
is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure
around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make
manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's
in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other
people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our
presence automatically liberates others.”